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Charging and Remissions

All education during school hours is free. We do not charge for any activity undertaken as part of the National Curriculum. The only exception is any damage to, or loss of the equipment not caused by fair wear and tear. A contribution towards the cost of replacement will be requested. Any reading book lost or damaged must be replaced at the full cost of the new copy. A parent will be informed of this at the relevant time. Our school knows how valuable the wide range of additional activities, including visits, clubs and residential experiences can make towards pupils’ education. We aim to promote and provide such activities. We will write to you asking for a contribution towards the cost. If a visit cannot take place without some help from parents or carers, this will be explained at the planning stage. No child will be left out because a voluntary contribution has not been received. If there are insufficient contributions, we may be left with no choice but to cancel the visit. Governors subsidise some visits at their discretion. If a school activity involves children staying nights away from home, there will be a charge for board and lodging. Parents or carers in receipt of benefit support payments may claim remission from the payment of the board and lodging charge. Details can be found in the policy. Out of hour’s activities and clubs are Optional Extras. The Governing Body reserves the right to make a full charge  for activities organised out of school hours, for example, parents pay £1 per club for any that are run by external providers or Wake Up, Shake Up Club which costs 50p per day for the childcare element.


As a Catholic school, we are funded in a slightly different way to state schools. For any building or improvement works we undertake, the Governing Body have to find 10% of the cost. Children of every faith and denomination benefit tremendously from being educated in our schools and that is presumably, why parents make this choice for them. We do this throughout the year through a series of voluntary contribution events.


You may purchase some goods from school for your convenience. We will not seek to make a profit from these sales. Goods in this category include uniform, book bags, reading records, etc.


Those parents who are eligible for 30 hours of funded Nursery Education for their child may also wish for their child to stay for a packed lunch at midday. The cost of this is £5.00 per child per day in order to cover the costs of supervision, cleaning and sundry services. Where parents are in receipt of 15 hours of funded Nursery Education and wish to pay for more hours (up to 30 hours in any week during the academic year) the cost will be £4.60 per hour.


Where parents or members of the public request copies of information under either the Data Protection Act or the Freedom of Information Act, the Governors can make a charge for providing copies of information. Details of charges are provided in the schools Data Protection policy and FOI Publication Scheme.


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