Pastoral Care and our House System
"It is your face, O Lord, that I seek, hide not your face." Psalm 26:8
We have a strong and consistent behaviour policy within Holy Trinity School. Its purpose is to develop within our children a respect for their own person and the rights and feelings of others. The school works to engender within each child the virtues of the Mission Statement and fully recognises that each would find it hard to give what they does not possess. The School seeks to fill each child with wonder and awe of the creation of God and to take their place and responsibility as a co-creator with the Father.
The behaviour policy is reflected in the Superstar Steps, the school’s way of helping our children to see a system of rewards. Using the Nine Core Values each child is taught to recognise that we work hard to be like the example of Christ.
Our children belong to a house named for four saints of the Midlands, Birinus, Chad, Oswald and Wulstan as part of our House System and awards are used to motivate and reward. The behaviour system is encapsulated in the Superstar Steps and you can find a copy of this in school. There is an expectation that you, as parents, will support our children in the acquisition of a moral code, which helps each make informed and sensible choices. Appropriate sanctions are also used where any child chooses not to consider themselves or those around him. This is dealt with in a structured and supportive way, each time the child being able to choose to modify their behaviour.
There have been no exclusions from Holy Trinity for many years, as we believe in intervening early and supporting each of our boys and girls to achieve well, addressing their own needs and asking for support where necessary. However, where a child is excluded from school, for either a fixed term period or permanently, the school will always have sought the advice and intervention of outside agencies in an attempt to prevent this. Parents are consulted at every stage of this process and their views and support sought. The Local Authority and Governing Body will also be involved and parents may make appeal to the Governing Body in the event of their child being involved in this serious process. It is however, a real and present intention not to exclude children from this school and there have been no exclusions in the last thirteen years.
Pastoral care and nurturing lies, in the first instance, with the class teacher. The Head Teacher is consulted, as is the SENCo (Ms Docherty) and the Phase Heads (Mrs Beech, Mrs Tyler and Mrs Crump), should any issue become of increasing concern. The school also refers matters to the school nurse, Julie Thomas, our Education Welfare Officer, Carly Evans and any of the multi-agency support hubs working across our City who are all pro-active in seeking a working relationship with parents.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Hinton, the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are Mrs Beech and Mrs Griffiths and the Link Governor for this area is Father Craig. Our Pastoral Care Manager is Mrs Griffiths.