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Physical Education and School Sport

Miss Thompson is the member of staff at Holy Trinity who coordinates our work in Physical Education and School Sport.



As a school, we recognise the value of Physical Education (PE). We want our children to have confidence and growing physical competence in a range of core skills. This will help them develop important knowledge and understanding in order to use and perform core skills in a range of sports and physical activities. We aim for our children to become skilled in a broad range of physical activities and to be active for the full period of time they engage in competitive sports. Our PE curriculum develops purposeful and expressive movement as well as an appreciation of the benefits of healthy living and fitness. Our children follow a full and structured PE curriculum, delivered through the LCP scheme and drawing on initiatives such as the Youth Sports Trust.



We adhere to the aims of the national curriculum for PE and it is taught using a variety of methods and strategies, including: whole class teaching, ability groups and mixed ability groups, along with individual teaching, depending on the situation, needs and abilities of the children. The units and lessons taught across each year group follow a planned progression of skills, building upon those taught and rehearsed previously and applied in various situations across the areas of P.E. The areas our children are taught are:

  • Games (including Invasion, Striking and fielding and Net and Wall games)

  • Gymnastics

  • Dance

  • Swimming

  • Outdoor and adventurous activities

  • Athletics


Experienced Sports Coaches work with us to support our timetabled PE lessons. They embed each sport and develop the children's skills further because, at Holy Trinity, we recognise the advantages and benefits of working alongside outside agencies to support our children’s progression within the curriculum. Physical Education is taught as an area of learning in its own right, as well as integrated where possible with other curriculum areas such as Reading, Writing and PSHE.



At Holy Trinity, we provide opportunities for our children to become physically confident in a way that supports their health and fitness within a high-quality physical education curriculum.  All this takes place while inspiring all children to succeed in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. Our children are offered opportunities to compete in various sports and physical activity, which we believe, when done sensitively, builds character and helps to embed values such as resilience and respect. Physical Education provides opportunities for our children to be creative, competitive, co-operative and face up to different challenges as individuals and in groups and teams. Overall, we want Physical Education at Holy Trinity to support our children’s resilience when acquiring skills, confidence to apply these in context and engage all in learning within inclusive physical activity and school sports. Ultimately, we want to support the creation of pathways for our children and their families to continue to be active beyond school.


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